Phone: 07769548518

We are a JKA club formed in November 2019 by Sensei Mick Farquharson, 4th dan JKA Instructor and Chief Instructor of Zanshin North Herts Shotokan Karate Academy. Zanshin North Herts Shotokan Karate Academy follows the values of traditional Shotokan Karate whilst using modern day teaching to pass on the ethos of karate to all our students in a safe and friendly environment.
Here at Zanshin we make sure our students are only taught by qualified instructors with enhanced DBS and child protection qualifications. This is to ensure you and your children’s welfare is always put first.
Zanshin are members of Japan Shotokan Karate England (JSKE) who are affiliated to the Japanese Karate Association World Federation England (JKAWF) which is run by Chief instructor Sensei Masao Kawasoe 8th Dan.
With these affiliations Zanshin are bound by strict rules and guidelines, that are designed to protect all students and to ensure all students receive the highest quality of karate instruction.